About Us

The Club was formed in 1973 and incorporated in 1993 in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada.  Our goal is to improve our knowledge
in electromagnetic communication, make our expertise avaialable to our community and to encourage and assist others to enter
the world of amateur radio.

GBARC provides communications for community events, such as the Terry Fox Run, the Boy Scouts' Jamboree-On-The-Air, and
the Owen Sound Santa Claus Parade. Also, many GBARC members are volunteers in the Canwarn severe weather spotting

GBARC operates repeater VE3OSR in Owen Sound, on 146.940 MHz (Tone - 156.7 Hz).
This is an "open" repeater, free for anyone to use.  VE3OSR is funded by GBARC membership dues.
VE3OSR is linked to VE3RTE and VE3PER.

The repeater network has a weather radio attached to it and will announce severe weather information automatically.

The club also provides support for it's members and other amateur radio operations in the community, helping with technical
support, guiding new amateurs into the hobby, or helping out with a hand putting up an antenna. 

We support ARES, the Amateur Radio Emergency Services run by the RAC,  Radio Amateurs of Canada.  In RAC's own words,
"The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is composed of certified Radio Amateurs who have voluntarily registered their
qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes.

The Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club supports Radio Amateurs of Canada through the club affiliation program.

Last but not least the club is a great social group of like minded individuals.  We share a common interest in radio,  and when
coming together we can enrich each others lives by sharing our hobby with each other and the community.

We support the following organizations:
Copyright © 2013 by "Your Name"  ·  All Rights reserved  ·  E-Mail: contact@gbarc.ca
P.O. Box 113
Owen Sound, Ontario  Canada. N4K 5P1
Suite 101, 1220 West Market Street
Wilmington, Delaware  U.S.A. 19901
Tel: 1-302-123-7777
Georgian Bay